Tips From A Leading Online Marketing Company Sydney: SEO Decisions to Consider Before Starting Website Development

online marketing company Sydney

Your website is your number one portal for digital engagement and traffic and should be the primary nexus of your online marketing. While this is easy enough to understand, there is a shortfall that we at Esteem Media have found – a disconnect between website planning and SEO planning that creates the inevitable need to redo or evaluate what could have been addressed. As an online marketing company in Sydney, we know that efficiency is key, and while it is not impossible to address after the fact, there are several SEO affecting areas of your website which can be optimised through forethought and planning.

Design Functions To Rethink Now Instead Of Later

To ensure that your website supports a successful client journey that offers an experience rich in value and relevance (which helps increase your search engine rankings), you need to align your website architecture and internal linking. Machine readability that prioritises data structure, and responsive, content-driven design are key factors that increase the functionality and effectiveness of your SEO strategies down the line.

Technical Standards That Can Avoid A Future Rebuild

ECommerce functionality, websites speeds, and international language and location support are three key factors that increase your SEO compatibility strength. Add to this the decisions around which platform to use (choose a platform that allows flexibility and easy editing down the line) and the creation of individual URL identifiers, and you can be sure that your website will be able to support your SEO needs when the time comes.

Strategy Affects Copy

Your overall business and marketing strategy should be integrated and embedded in all of your decisions, especially ones pertaining to your website. Here are three questions to get you started:

  • How do we communicate our mission statement online?
  • Who are our digital competitors?
  • Do we understand our customer segments?

Navigate Your SEO Decisions Easier With Our Help

Esteem Media is a leading online marketing company in Sydney, and we have great insight into what it takes to align your SEO goals and intentions with all your digital marketing actions, including the build and creation of your website. We would love to assist you further. Get in touch by calling (02) 8006 0811 or using our convenient contact form.

Posted in SEO